Sunday, March 15, 2015

Our next group meeting is on 

Next dates are Friday March 20th 12-3 and 6-9 PM

You can join our group meetings at any time, but you do need to call us to get your name on the list.
 I want to be sure we have room for everyone.  

When you come to the group meetings, please bring your paper towels, heat guns, paint brushes, adhesives and color mediums of choice.

 March Theme
Making Your Mark (Doodles & Mark Making)

March 7
Art Challenge:  As A Layer Element
Journal Prompt:  Surviving the Elements

March 14
Art Challenge:  Borders
Journal Prompt "Borderline feels like I'm going to lose my mind."

Leaving white space isn't always easy, but sometimes it helps define where a piece is going.
It doesn't mean you will finish with the white space, but it is a great way to help you lay out where certain elements will go as you work through your journal page. Another trick that helps me is to turn my work as I go. I don't overwork one area this way.

I used areas of white space to position where my border would go. Filling in the space inside first gave me insight as to where I wanted to go with my marked outer edge later in the process. I love marks and marking making. They are a great way to place meaning into a piece. Using them in, and as a border puts a new twist on fringing your piece too.


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